Nourishing Meals by Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre, MS, CN.
A whole foods cookbook and guide to raising healthy children including over 300 nourishing gluten-free, and soy-free recipes.
Nourishing Meals includes:
Why going gluten-free can benefit your health.
A look into the causes of food sensitivities and allergies.
How to raise a healthy eater.
A description of the key nutrients needed during pregnancy and childhood.
How to pack a healthy school lunch.
How to create balanced family meals.
Vegan, vegetarian, seafood and meat main dishes.
Nutritional benefits of soups and stocks.
Tips for getting your your children to eat more vegetables.
Charts for soaking and cooking whole grains.
Wholesome gluten-free breads, muffins,deserts and sourdough recipes.
Healthy snack ideas. Alternatives to refined sugar.
Ways to preserve the harvest, including recipes for lacto-fermented vegetables.