1. Arnica Montana 6c $6.99
2. Arnica Montana 12c $7.99
3. Arnica Montana 200c $11.99
4. Arnica Montana 30c $6.99
5. Aconitum Napellus 30c $6.99
6. Allium Cepa 30C $6.99
7. Apis Mellifica 30C $6.99
8. Argentum Nitricum 30c $6.99
9. Arsenicum Album 30c $6.99
10. Belladonna 30c $6.99
11. Borax 30c $6.99
12. Bryonia Alba 30c $6.99
13. Calcarea Carbonica 30c $6.99
14. Calcarea Sulphurica 30c $6.99
15. Cantharis 30c $6.99
16. Carbo Vegetabilis 30c $6.99
17. Chamomilla 30c $6.99
18. Coffee Cruda 30c $6.99
19. Gelsemium Sempervirens 30c $6.99
20. Hamamelis Virginiana 30c $6.99
21. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 30c $6.99
22. Histaminum Hydrochloricum 30c $6.99
23. Hydrastic Canadensis 30c $6.99
24. Hypericum Perforatum 30c $6.99
25. Ignatia Amara 30c $6.99
26. Kali Bichromicum 30c $6.99
27. Lachesis Mutus 30c $6.99
1. Trama, bruises, stiffness, muscle soreness. Local and recent symptoms.
2. Trama, bruises, stiffness, muscle soreness. Recommended before and after surgery.
3. Trama, bruises, stiffness, muscle soreness. General pain associated with emotional trauma.
4. Pain from trama, bruises, muscle soreness.
5. Sudden fever & cough associated with flu or cold.
6. Runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes.
7. Skin. Stinging edemas releived by cold.
8. Nervous anticipation, stage fright.
9. Diarrhea.
10. Fever, Headache, inflammation.
11. Cancer sores (mouth ulcers).
12. Arthritis paiin aggrivated by movement.
13. Delayed teething and walking, cradle cap, eczema.
14. Acne, abscesses.
15. Burns & blisters, cystitis, bladder irritation.
16. gas paiin associated with bloated stomach, fatigue.
17. Teething & irritability, restlessness.
18. Difficulty falliing asleep.
19. Apprehension, headache, body ache associated with flu.
20. Varicose veins, hemorrhoids.
21. Acne, abscessed, barking cough.
22. Allergic reactions.
23. Stomach ache, constipation, skin irritation.
24. Nerve pain after sergery or injury.
25. Sleeplessness, nervousness due to emotional upset.
26. Sinus headache with thick nasal discharge.
27. Hot flashes associated with menopause.
28. Puncture wounds, stings & bites, black eyes.
29. Bloating, indigestion, gas.
30. Infections, bad breath.
31. Headache, sneezing, runny nose.
32. Indigestion &nausea associated with overindulgence.
33. Deep cough, bleeding.
34. sore throat with pain swallowing.
35. Ocular or nasal yellow discharge with a cold or pink eye.
36. Cold sores, arthritis pain improved by movement.
37. Sprains & tendonitis, strains.
38. Menstrual symptoms, moodiness.
39. Seeping wounds, constiipation, fatigue.
40. Breathing difficulties associated with croupy cough.
41. Cuts & surgical wounds.
42. Eczema & rashes.
43. Bone trauma.
44. Warts.